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WEET Tells You How to Test a SF38G Ultra-Fast Recovery Rectifiers Easily

    WEE Technology Company Limited
    Manufacturer of Surface Mount (SMD) and Through Hole (DIP) Diodes & Rectifiers

    Seven Main steps required for testing of a diode rectifier are as follows. Suggested by WEET engineer group.

    1, Choose a superior quality digital multi-meter, which is very important. Good sensitivity and accuracy counts a lot in testing period.

    2, Fix the testing range in the diode position. You need to check both terminal are set in proper position and connected well.

    3, On the display you are supposed to easily get a 3 or an infinite voltage reading depending upon the multi-meter used

    4, Correctly connect the red probe to the cathode and the black probe to the anode of the rectifier. 

    5, The digital multi-meter display will show the low forward voltage drop (rectifier diode) of around 0.6 volts at once

    6, Now reverse the connections, the display will return to its original reading, which indicating that the diode is a good condition

    7, If the meter displays any other reading, the diode may be leaky or faulty while a 0000 reading means a short circuit.

    Need any technical support? Contact with WEET sales team right now, we will find the best solution for you.

Publish: 2019-05-10 Category: Super Fast Recovery Rectifiers Read: Times Comment: 0Times
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