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WEET SMC DO-214AB 3A 600V ES3J GPP Chip Superfast/Ultrafast Rectifier Diodes

    WEE Technology Company Limited
    Manufacturer of Surface Mount (SMD) and Through Hole (DIP) Diodes & Rectifiers


    SMC(DO-214AB) ES3A THRU ES3J ( ES3A, ES3B, ES3C, ES3D, ES3E, ES3G, ES3J) Ultra-Fast Recovery Rectifiers

    WEET ES3J  - WEET ES3J Superfast/Ultrafast Rectifier Diode SMD DO-214AB - 600V 3A superfast and efficient rectifier diode, also available in SMB package.

    Lead time : 3 weeks

    Applications: WEE Technology products are widely used in communication, network, instrument, computer, TV and VCD in civil, industrial and military fields.

    Glass passivated junction. Easy pick and place. Low profile package. Built-in strain relief. Superfast recovery times for high efficiency.



Publish: 2018-12-18 Category: Super Fast Recovery Rectifiers Read: Times Comment: 0Times
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